Sunday, March 20, 2016

The weekend events.

This weekend we were able to be home, and it was awesome. Although most of Saturday I was physically drained, I did do things. However, towards the end of the day I did start to get more tired and not want to move much. Now for the weekend, when I was finished at the orthodontist on Friday, I went with Kiersta to get her hair done and I got to say hi to her boyfriend at work. After Adam got off of work we went to Arby’s for dinner then to his house, where I watched Home while he took a short nap.

Saturday morning I went to a sale with Adam, Ben, Chantay, and her family. After I had pie with my mom, dad, and Martina. Shortly after Adam and I hung out at his house. When dinner was finished Adam took me to see Zootopia and get frozen yogurt.

Sunday morning Adam and I hung out for a bit before I had to come back to Idaho, we got the car all packed and my mom, Clarissa, Martina, and I went to get my grandpa to start the trip back to Idaho.

Have a great week!

P.S. We have a new countdown for the end of the semester as well.

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