Saturday, May 14, 2016

An apology, update and more.

Hey guys, sorry for totally not posting for a very long while, we've been moving, unpacking and just getting organized. However during all of the craziness of packing the old house, our Riley-Kitty got lost, it has been weeks and we haven't seen him, we've had our neighbors look for him, but they haven't had much luck, so we came to the conclusion that he left us to be in a better place.
Upon this thought I had my grandmother write something about him, (he really was her cat). And this is what she came up with,

We have said good-bye to our sweet, delicate, independent, best kitty ever there was. We will miss his walking us to the door, we will miss his sleeping on our beds and climbing up our chests and giving us a scratchy massage. Most of all we will miss how much Riley loved us. 

Here's a quick update. We enjoy being here we are boarding my aunts horse, and we take her on walks around the property everyday possible. Something happened to Chet and his face is all gross. We have tried a few things like, a cone of shame, Neosporin, and liquid Band-Aid for dogs. But each time we let him outside he scratches his face and makes it worse, I'd post a picture but its really gross. Yesterday during ballet I hung out with Adam for a few hours. This weekend my mom took some of the family to Wyoming to visit a friend. She is bringing back two new kittens. My dad and Kielee are at the sand dunes, and I am home with some of the little kids. Adam is coming over after work, last time he was here it was raining so we weren't able to take a tour of the property, today it's a great sunny day. 

Again I apologize for not posting for almost a month. Now that we are getting settled We'll post more.

OH! P.s. I'll post pictures of the property when I can. Also my dad and I are talking in sacrament tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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