Thursday, January 28, 2016

Everyday Life!!!

Monday: Was Family Home Evening, we went to the Craze and before we played laser tag, we went to the arcade. We won enough tickets to get everybody that went vampire, After arcade games we played laser tag. My team won!!!! I didn't think we won because Justin pretty much stalked our team to death

 Top left: Justin, Ashley, me, Jodi, Emily bottom left: Logan, Rylee, and Grizzly.

Tuesday: Elder Bednar came and spoke at devotional. It was pretty awesome! Jodi and I went to the post office. Did you know that stamps cost $9.80? We also went to the store and bought soda that taste like a caramel apple. Oh one of the best thing that happened that day was that Rylee got asked out on a date!

Wednesday: The new Wal-mart opened and we went to do our next couple of week of shopping. After that we noticed we had not seen Justin in a few days. So, Faith texted him this, "We noticed something is missing from our lives, and its you."

Thursday (Today): Clean checks! We sparkly cleaned the apartment!

Midweek update!

On Monday the apartment went to play The Craze, I stayed behind to catch up on work. When they were finished, Justin, Martina, and Ashley came back while everyone else went to Cafe Rio. When everyone came back we had cupcakes for Grizzly's birthday. Our home teachers and Mike come over as well. For the dessert war, Mike baked cinnamon rolls, they were pretty good, but the frosting was made with cream cheese so it didn't go well together. Our next move is mini cheesecake.

On Tuesday we went to Devotional and got to hear Elder Bednar speak. We sat on the balcony and had an amazing view. I would have a picture for you, but they respectfully asked us not to take them. There were so many people there, it was amazing!

The picture above, was after devotional was over and everyone was exiting. As Rylee pointed out, this is not even 1/16th of the people there. 

Wednesday, we went to the new Wal-Mart, and did our shopping for the next 3 weeks! It was awesome being in a huge Wal-mart again. It took forever to find parking and to pay but it was worth it in the end. We also noted that Justin, who had been over three days in a row, hadn't been over for two days. We asked why and assumed that he died, or if he was kidnapped by midget clowns. Turns out he was on a date. 

Tonight Rylee is going on a date with Mike. Also seeing how they are in my blog I thought you might want know who my roommates are. 

So, going from left to right Faith (that's me),  Martina, Ashley, Emily, Jodi, and Rylee. 

I hope you all have an amazing rest of the week and I'll catch up with you on Sunday! 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Baking and brothers.

This week nothing major happened, classes are going great. Today our Family Home Evening family is going to play laser tag. We also started a baking war with some other guys we know, we've made them cookies, stuffed cookies, next we're making mini cheesecakes. They've made us brownies, and have yet to make a second item.

Justin came over last night to ask about Family Home Evening plans and stayed for a few hours. After we had ward prayer he came over to talk to Emily about a friend he has for a date, and apologized about coming over again. Without thinking about it Martina and I said, “Oh, we could never get tired of you.” Which is true. He stayed to played card games and performed magic tricks. He would do the same trick until we figured it out, I still don't know how they are done.

We don't do anything!!!!

                 So, this past week has been really boring and slow. I was sick for most of the week. I guess the most exciting thing that happened was Sunday night, our FHE brother Justin came over to talk about what we were going to do for FHE and he ended up staying for a couple of hours. We had ward prayer and it was amazing. Justin then came back over around 9ish. We talked, played BS, and ate cookies. Oh, we started a dessert war with an apartment in our ward. We are totally going to win.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Martina's week?

Hello readers,

I thought you'd like to see this lovely picture I took today:

Now to get to why you get to hear from me twice this week, Martina hasn't been feeling well, and has been laying in bed or on the couch. She tried going to class today, she made it to the lobby and went back to bed. Hopefully we will hear from her next week.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Busy, busy

This week, classes went by fast, We were able to Skype the parents and the little kids. We went shopping and bought so much stuff.

 I took a day off on Thursday for homework and sleep. On Friday we started our four day weekend, we started by moving all of our mattresses into the living room and picked some movies to watch. On Saturday we drove to Idaho Falls and went to the mall for a few hours. On Sunday we tried a new recipe and we made too much and had to ask Justin and the guys over to finish the rest.

Monday came and we reluctantly moved our mattresses back to our rooms and invited the guys over to watch a movie. Later that night we found out who our Family Home Evening brothers were. While we were waiting, we joked that they might be the guys we've been hanging out with. Turns out, they are! It was awesome! When we sat at our table Justin laughed and said he wasn't part of the group choosing. After we played games, the guys came back over and we watched another movie.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

My first week

My week has been great. It hasn't been crazy or too hectic, but I found out adulting alone, is harder than adulting with my parents or my boyfriend.

Monday was the day to unpack and get everything I needed. We unpacked and sorted belongings. I got my I-Card, parking pass, I changed my major, and got new classes. After my parents left, Martina and I went shopping for but ended up having to part with some items, so we could still get books and such. 

On Tuesday Martina helped me find my classes and get books. After changing my major I didn't need many books, we got two I-clickers and Macbeth. After we got home, we continued to organize our room and rest until I-night started. 

Wednesday was the first day of classes. I had one, one hour class in the morning that ended at 10. I then realized that I was in need of a smaller backpack, due to the fact that I only needed my tablet, a notebook, a folder, my I-clicker, and some pen and pencils. I had the rest of the day to get things that I didn't get on Monday or Tuesday. 

Thursday I had two classes scheduled but I only had to go to one of them. This class is my Foundations of Humanities, it seems like a fun class and the teacher got off track a few times. I only had to fix a class I have, the teacher doesn't go off I-Learn and I didn't receive any of the emails he said that he was sending out, with the information I needed for the assignments in his class, I found his email and I'm waiting for a response. 

Friday. I survived the first week. With classes, it was the same as my Wednesday. After class we got invited to a party and only one of us went. The rest of us watched movies and occasionally people watched out of our window. 

Saturday, was much like Friday. We did homework, got invited to two different parties happening at the same, and we went to neither, we spent the day together and laughed and watched people and movies. 

On Sunday, we went to church, watched the fireside and met the bishopric. 

First Day of Second shot of College

            Well, its been a fun couple of days! Faith and I are all moved and have meet are roommates! Monday we moved everything into our apartment. This apartment is way better than the previous apartment I was in. Tuesday we ran a few more errands, then we went to I-night. We watched a comedy show and it was pretty funny. Now i have a couple new hashtags they are #stabystab and the other is #kittylikes. the best joke of the night was just went on a date with batman #kittylikes. We went skating in one of the gyms. then we went to get a frozen yogurt and then went to a Mormon version of a mosh pit. What happens is everybody just gets in the middle of the dance floor and jumps up and down no matter what song it is. Today, was my first class it was music and the humanities. I think its going to be a great class! there are no test or quizzes, all i have to do is listen to music and write about it. Wednesday was my English class from 7-10 pm. It was a great class, lots of return missionaries!! Thursday, I had science, it was a fun class! My teacher rambles a lot. Friday, I was class free! so i hung out at the apartment all day! Saturday, We hung out, Watched movies, and did home work. Well, today was church, I had a blast! we do church backwards, so relief society first and sacrament last.