Sunday, January 10, 2016

My first week

My week has been great. It hasn't been crazy or too hectic, but I found out adulting alone, is harder than adulting with my parents or my boyfriend.

Monday was the day to unpack and get everything I needed. We unpacked and sorted belongings. I got my I-Card, parking pass, I changed my major, and got new classes. After my parents left, Martina and I went shopping for but ended up having to part with some items, so we could still get books and such. 

On Tuesday Martina helped me find my classes and get books. After changing my major I didn't need many books, we got two I-clickers and Macbeth. After we got home, we continued to organize our room and rest until I-night started. 

Wednesday was the first day of classes. I had one, one hour class in the morning that ended at 10. I then realized that I was in need of a smaller backpack, due to the fact that I only needed my tablet, a notebook, a folder, my I-clicker, and some pen and pencils. I had the rest of the day to get things that I didn't get on Monday or Tuesday. 

Thursday I had two classes scheduled but I only had to go to one of them. This class is my Foundations of Humanities, it seems like a fun class and the teacher got off track a few times. I only had to fix a class I have, the teacher doesn't go off I-Learn and I didn't receive any of the emails he said that he was sending out, with the information I needed for the assignments in his class, I found his email and I'm waiting for a response. 

Friday. I survived the first week. With classes, it was the same as my Wednesday. After class we got invited to a party and only one of us went. The rest of us watched movies and occasionally people watched out of our window. 

Saturday, was much like Friday. We did homework, got invited to two different parties happening at the same, and we went to neither, we spent the day together and laughed and watched people and movies. 

On Sunday, we went to church, watched the fireside and met the bishopric. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am sorry adulting by yourself has been harder then you thought. Remember be strong and of good courage, ne not afraid for the Lord thy God is with thew withersoever you first, even with the small things. And you can always call me. Love your Mom
