Thursday, January 28, 2016

Everyday Life!!!

Monday: Was Family Home Evening, we went to the Craze and before we played laser tag, we went to the arcade. We won enough tickets to get everybody that went vampire, After arcade games we played laser tag. My team won!!!! I didn't think we won because Justin pretty much stalked our team to death

 Top left: Justin, Ashley, me, Jodi, Emily bottom left: Logan, Rylee, and Grizzly.

Tuesday: Elder Bednar came and spoke at devotional. It was pretty awesome! Jodi and I went to the post office. Did you know that stamps cost $9.80? We also went to the store and bought soda that taste like a caramel apple. Oh one of the best thing that happened that day was that Rylee got asked out on a date!

Wednesday: The new Wal-mart opened and we went to do our next couple of week of shopping. After that we noticed we had not seen Justin in a few days. So, Faith texted him this, "We noticed something is missing from our lives, and its you."

Thursday (Today): Clean checks! We sparkly cleaned the apartment!

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